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The Top 3 Causes of Female Hair Loss and Thinning

The Top 3 Causes of Female Hair Loss and Thinning

Laura Laura
7 minute read

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if your hair is thinning, or you’re losing more than most people consider the average, it’s natural to feel a little self-conscious. Hair loss in women can occur for several reasons, not all of which might be immediately obvious to the untrained eye. Both men and women lose hair regularly as a result of a natural process called shedding. That said, if you’re noticing your hair appears to be thinning, or worse still, you’re missing patches, then it needs to be addressed immediately. Here are the top 3 causes of female hair loss and thinning.

Some hair loss can be genetic in nature and is unfortunately much less treatable as a result. However, the majority of cases have a root cause that, once identified, can be remedied to prevent further loss and promote the regrowth of your hair. If you feel like you’re experiencing issues in this department, read on for a deep dive into the causes of female hair loss, along with some potential treatments.

Causes of Female Hair Loss

There are a few reasons you might be losing more hair than you would expect. Thankfully, most of these are treatable but may require you to make adjustments to specific daily routines and habits you’ve formed over the years. Below are a few of the leading causes of female hair loss that you may never have considered before now.

1.     Hairstyle/ Hair Treatment

Believe it or not, the way you choose to wear your hair can be extremely harmful to its retention and healthy growth. Your hair simply isn’t designed to be pulled taut for extended periods, and by doing so, you risk damaging the follicles of your hair, which can be irreversible if not identified in time.

Hair lost in this manner is typically known as traction alopecia. If you wear your hair in restrictive styles, such as ponytails, cornrows, or braids, you may be unknowingly inviting future hair loss. Traction alopecia is reversible if you address it promptly and allow your hair to breathe, but if you leave it for too long, you may find the effects become permanent.

2.     Stress

Stress-related hair loss, or telogen effluviumis a surprisingly common reason for female hair loss and one most people won’t initially consider. Hair lost in this manner is usually recoverable once the cause of the stress has receded, but sometimes this is easier said than done.

Many stressors can contribute to hair loss, with pregnancy, illness, emotional upheaval,  and bereavement being just a few examples. The reasons stress can trigger hair loss are complicated, but in summary, the cortisol produced in stressful situations can meddle with your body’s ability to active hair follicles and grow new hair. Though hair regrowth is stunted, natural shedding continues, which results in hair loss over time.

3.     Vitamin Deficiencies

Vitamin deficiencies can often contribute to female hair loss and probably won’t be among the causes your first consider. Studies have shown that sufferers of alopecia areataan autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss, have deficient levels of Vitamin D when compared to control study participants.

Vitamin D is one of many vitamins that aid in developing new hair follicles, and if your levels are low, it’s not uncommon to experience hair thinning and loss as a result. If you visit a doctor and are found to be Vitamin D deficient, you don’t necessarily have alopecia areata – the two causes are distinct, and vitamin deficiencies by themselves are far more easily treatable.

Treatments for Hair Loss and Thinning

If reading through the above list only has you more convinced that you’re experiencing female hair loss symptoms, then seeking treatment should be your first course of action. Hair is often a representation and expression of femininity, and premature hair loss can be deeply traumatic for sufferers. If you’re looking for answers, read on for our top tips on how to find effective treatment today.

Speak to a Healthcare Professional

Speaking to a trained medical practitioner is always a good place to start with any medical condition. If you’ve noticed significant hair loss and can’t pinpoint a reason for it, your local doctor may be able to advise you on what the cause may be.

After running some tests, your doctor should determine whether your symptoms result from genetic or autoimmune hair loss or something more immediately treatable. Assuming the cause isn’t found to be hereditary (androgenetic alopecia), you should feel optimistic about the prospects of recovering your hair once you understand how best to treat it.

Change Your Styling Habits

If you’re conscious that the way you style your hair may contribute to your hair loss, or a doctor has suggested this may be the cause, then the obvious solution is to change your habits and wear your hair in a less restrictive manner. You don’t necessarily need to stop wearing your hair up entirely, but make sure you’re leaving it loose and letting it sit naturally when you don’t need to have it styled.

Prolonged exposure to heat and chemicals is another known factor that can aggravate hair loss, so if you’re frequently straightening and bleaching your hair, you’re likely making the situation worse. Avoiding exposure to bleach and hot irons could make a big difference in promoting the regrowth of your hair and preventing any reoccurrences down the line.

Supplements and Vitamins

A vitamin deficiency could well be causing your thinning hair and is the easiest to confirm or rule out for yourself. Whether it’s as a result of your diet or just a natural part of your body’s make-up, taking a vitamin once a day for a few weeks maybe the quickest way to resolve the issues you’re facing. Products such as our Omega 3 Capsules are specifically formulated to tackle hair loss and promote regrowth by stimulating the follicles and getting you on your way to healthy hair.

It’s important to us all at Correxiko that we avoid using the many chemicals commonly found in other vitamins and supplements. We instead rely on natural, high-quality ingredients to support regrowth and avoid the nasties found in synthetic supplements. Best of all, our capsules can also help stabilize mood, improve heart and eye health and promote weight loss, so there’s no reason not to see how they can help you!

How Can Correxiko Help You?

Here at Correxiko, we fully understand just how devastating hair loss can be for women of all ages. To that end, we’ve produced a range of products to promote hair regrowth and give you your confidence back. We stock a range of vitamins to treat any deficiencies, as well as our own hair supplement, designed to promote growth and keep your hair sleek and shiny. If you’re a victim of premature hair loss, take a look at how we can help you today.

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